Our Psychic Art
We seek our own enlightenment for the sake of all Beings.

Energy Healing

Meet Frankey
Frankey Craig is a Creative Channel, Spiritual Entrepreneur and Energy Healer and she has been serving her clients for over 15 years online and in person.
Frankey is a Reiki Master and has been working with aromatherapy, sound, colour, plants, art, crystals, homeopathic remedies and more.
Her Energy work has brought much Happiness, Health and Healing to hundreds of people throughout the years.
She has been sharing her wisdom through Science, Nature and Consciousness and guiding people to pure, safe, effective and organic methods of healing the Mind, Body and Spirit.

Energy healing is an ancient modality that restores the balance and flow of energy throughout the body, mind, and spirit. It is a way of vibrationally attuning your mind, body and spirit into the frequency of wellness.
Each person's energy is as unique as their fingerprint and thus will require different energies in different places at different times.
I wish to clarify ‘healing’ because it does imply that there is something wrong with you when I actually believe there is nothing wrong with you.
You are perfect. You just need to remember who you are. To me, healing is aligning with our true authentic selves. Unravelling the layers to REMEMBER our True Essence.
I believe that we are more than our thoughts, feelings and the life situation that we are living at the moment. I believe we are all much vaster than that. Our preoccupation with thoughts shrouds us from this sacred knowledge. Our bodies hold this intelligence deep inside their cellular structures and I believe that as we tap into this we begin to align to with the vibration of our True Essence.
We are Beings of LIGHT and Light IS Energy.

Contact Frankey to arrange a Free No Obligation Consultation.
Sessions can be arranged at a distance via Zoom or are done in person if you are located near Fayetteville, NC.
Children, Adults, Animals and Nature can all benefit from Energy Healing.